Whole Wellness Club Nutrition

PH Control

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"Whole Wellness Club pH Control"

The evolution of our modern-day lifestyle continues to bring more challenges to our health and well-being. Most of our diets include so many refined, processed foods and sugar. On top of that we have to deal with chemical pollutants in the air we breathe and the food we eat. All these factors plus excessive stress are the main reasons that the occurrence of disease continues to escalate.

So how we can stay healthy? Learn about the Triple Impact of our new product "Whole Wellness Club pH Control":

Importance of pH balance

Our bodies are in a constant war to keep our pH levels in check. However our lifestyles and diet make it nearly impossible for our bodies to do their job. Correct pH of the body is not just essential to ensure our good health, but also to ensure that we live at all.

According to the current stream of research, the natural pH in the human body fluctuates over a 24 hour period between alkalosis and acidosis. If this oscillation did not occur, it would be impossible for the various biochemical processes in the body to take place and metabolism would grind to a halt. This ebb and flow in our pH is precisely what drives the engine of biological life. These are only small fluctuations around the point of equilibrium, but they are sufficient to create biochemical motion. More Information

Now we can help our bodies to maintain the proper pH level by using "Whole Wellness Club pH Control". Our product works to regulate all possible imbalances in the body, thus contributing to the recovery of health.


The most powerful antioxidant is not in fruits or drinks, it is the antioxidant which is produced by our body and its name is "Glutathione". Glutathione will slow down the aging process, detoxify and improve liver function, and also make the immune system stronger. Glutathione helps increase energy. It also improves concentration, mental functions, as well as lung and heart function.

Research shows that Glutathione levels decline by 8% to 12% per decade, beginning at the age of 20. Increasing age and other factors reduce the body's production and utilization of glutathione. Research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Levels of glutathione are further reduced by continual stress upon the immune system such as illness, infection, and environmental toxins. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Important Roles of Glutathione:

  • Fights against oxidative cell damage (from free radicals)
  • Immune system enhancement
  • Amino acid transport
  • Cellular detoxification
  • Protein synthesis
  • Fights cellular Inflammation
  • Enzyme activation
  • ATP (energy) production

It is important to know that supplements containing glutathione alone will not increase the body's glutathione levels. This is because the digestive system breaks down ingested glutathione and it will not be absorbed into your system. The good news is that our product "WWC pH Control" provides the proper nutrients needed to promote the body's own ability to manufacture and absorb glutathione. More Information

Importance of Strong Immune System

Our immune system is our first and last line of defense. Each day we inhale thousands of germs (bacteria and viruses) that are floating in the air and we are faced with threats from our microscopic environment. We can easily get hurt from what we can not see! "WWC pH Control" consists of transfer factors which help to improve the work of the immune system. Transfer factors are small molecules that occur naturally in all mammals and are passed from mother to newborn through the mother's first milk called colostrum. By transferring information from cell to cell, transfer factors serve as "teachers" to the cells, ensuring a strong immune system capable of surviving, even thriving in its new environment. Researchers now believe that the benefits of colostrum do not necessarily end there. If you have a compromised immune system or are just looking for a boost to your healthy immune system, colostrum may be the jump-start you need to fight infection or immune-related chronic diseases such as cancer.

Benefits of using transfer factors:

  • Our immune system becomes strengthened. It means that when new viruses or bacteria invade our body, heightened immune cells react very rapidly.
  • When we take transfer factor, we store these borrowed messenger molecules in our own immune data banks.
  • When our immune system is over-reactive (autoimmune diseases - arthritis, lupus, etc.) transfer factor will modulate or calm immune defenses which inadvertently attack healthy tissue thereby improving one’s health.
  • “WWC pH Control” provides transfer factors - the primary communications used by the immune system to defend against harmful microbial threats.

The Importance of pH Balance

According to the current stream of research, the natural pH in the human body fluctuates over a 24 hour period between alkalosis and acidosis. If this oscillation did not occur, it would be impossible for the various biochemical processes in the body to take place and metabolism would grind to a halt. This ebb and flow in our pH is precisely what drives the engine of biological life. These are only small fluctuations around the point of equilibrium, but they are sufficient to create biochemical motion.


Although it is generally accepted that pH is the inverse logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions, the concepts of this almost mathematical definition are virtually impossible to understand. What it really means is that pH tells us the quantity of hydrogen ions in a solution and more specifically, for what concerns us here, in the human body. Hydrogen ions have a positive electric charge and there is a constant state of equilibrium between these and other hydroxide ions which have a negative charge. The result of this interplay is that the quantities of both in a solution will always remain constant (ionic result), because if one rises then the other must inevitably fall. When the number of "hydrogen ions" rises, the positive electrical charge will rise and the negative charge, in the form of OH or "hydroxide ions", will fall. In such a case we say that we are in a state of acidosis and, in the opposite case, when the negative charges predominate, we would be in alkalosis. As we can easily deduce, the oscillation of these electrical charges creates an electromagnetic field and this is the first moment in scientific medicine that such fields are mentioned. In physics, a magnetic field is defined as that place in space where electromagnetic forces occur and, since Maxwell the concepts of electrical charge and electromagnetic charge have been intertwined. So when we speak of pH, we are also speaking of electromagnetic fields due to the oscillation.

Every living biological system, be it an ant, a plant or a bacterium, even a single cell, is therefore an electromagnetic field fluctuating between positive and negative charges, and owes its life to this motion.

This motion can only be explained by the living organism's drive to escape a state of charge, be it negative or positive, to find repose or, in other words, electro-neutrality; Absence of charge would mean the end of biochemical motion, which would be the same as death. If we call that fruitless drive "life" and the absence of that compulsion, "death", then we could conclude that all organisms seek death. Following along these lines, we could define "life" as the eternal quest for electro-neutrality or "death". As it happens the precise point of equilibrium is never found, so the organism ends up moving continuously from one state of charge to its opposite. In other words, it is like a scale of unbalanced equilibrium in which the organism is forced to make constant back and forth oscillations. As this fluctuation in pH continues over 24 hours, each oscillation must be not only of equal amplitude in each direction, but also of equal speed. As such, the system always leans either towards alkalosis or acidosis, in each case giving rise to different illnesses.

Imbalances in this system are found in almost all human pathologies, even more so in adult and senescent life. Only by regulating this system, when it is in an imbalanced state, can health be restored.

The Importance of Glutathione

Glutathione is a master antioxidant, an important line of defense against diseases, toxins, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress. Low glutathione levels are linked to diseases such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Atherosclerosis, pregnancy complications, male infertility and Cataracts. A Glutathione deficiency can cause a lack of coordination, mental disorders, tremors and difficulty maintaining balance. Glutathione is continuously defending our body against attacks from disease, toxins, poisons, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress. Without Glutathione our liver would soon become overwhelmed with the accumulation of toxins, resulting in organ failure and death. The level of Glutathione in our cells is predictive of how long we will live.

Interesting facts about Glutathione

1. Glutathione is a master antioxidant, an important line of defense against diseases, toxins, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress.

2. Glutathione is continuously defending our body against attacks from disease, toxins, poisons, viruses, pollutants, radiation and oxidative stress. Without Glutathione our liver would soon become overwhelmed with the accumulation of toxins, resulting in organ failure and death.

3. Glutathione is manufactured by every one of our trillions of cells and is one of the most important healing and cleansing agents.

4. The level of Glutathione in our cells is predictive of how long we will live. We need this miraculous antioxidant to survive and, without it, our liver would soon become overwhelmed with the accumulation of toxins.

5. Big Pharma has been unsuccessful at creating a drug to increase Glutathione inside the cell - even though they have spent over $500 million on this task.

6. Glutathione is so important medically that there are over 86,000 articles at the National Institute of Health website on this "master antioxidant" of the body (see and search for Glutathione).

7. Glutathione is manufactured by every one of our trillions of cells and is one of the most important healing and cleansing agents inside the cells.

8. Glutathione is a small protein produced naturally in every cell of our body. It is made up of three protein building blocks called amino acids.

9. Starting at about age 20 we start losing Glutathione production at about 1% per year, but compromised health and excessive use of medications can deplete the body of Glutathione more rapidly. Some scientists estimate that a 30% reduction of Glutathione is enough for cellular dysfunction to set in.

10. The level of Glutathione in our cells is predictive of life expectancy. In fact, Glutathione levels are the sole predictor of death for H.I.V. patients.

11. If you can get the precursors of Glutathione into the cells the Glutathione production in the cells can be increased. Again, the challenge is getting these substances through the digestive tract, through the cell membrane, and then inside the cell.

12. Unfortunately, Glutathione taken orally is ineffective due to the stomach acid breaking the protein down. The body sees glutathione the same way it sees meat. Nonetheless, many glutathione supplements are being sold since the many benefits of glutathione are becoming well known. People buying glutathione supplements are wasting their money since this amino acid is broken down in the stomach the same way the stomach acid breaks down meat for digestion.

13. As with most things in life, it is true here as well: talk is cheap. Many companies claim their products increase Glutathione inside the cell. However most companies have no scientific evidence their products increase intracellular Glutathione. They will say the ingredients in their products should increase Glutathione.

14. Everyone that wants to increase the Glutathione inside their cells should only use products that are clinically proven via real third party studies (i.e. double blind placebo controlled studies). Then the consumer can take their Glutathione accelerators with confidence that their Glutathione is actually increasing. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant and protects all cells. Glutathione levels decrease about 1% per year starting at age 20. Would you like to increase your Glutathione level?

What scientists say?

"The liver is the major storehouse for glutathione. Glutathione is impaired in alcoholic hepatitis as well as in viral hepatitis A, B, and C. Raised glutathione levels restore liver function." - American Journal of Gasteroenterology 91: 2569-2573, 1996.

"Raised glutathione levels help increase strength and endurance. Those interested in physical fitness can benefit from a definite athletic edge." - Journal of Applied Physiology 87: 1381-1385, 1999.

"Lymphocytes, cells vital for your immune system, depend on glutathione for their proper function and replication." - IMMUNOLOGY 61: 503-508 1987.

"Glutathione detoxifies a variety of pollutants, carcinogens and poisons, including many found in fuel exhaust and cigarette smoke. It also retards damage from radiation exposure due to the eroding ozone layer". - Annual Reviews of Biochemistry 52: 711-760 1983.

"Antioxidants are well documented and known to possess vital roles in health maintenance and disease prevention. Glutathione is your cell's own major antioxidant. Maintaining elevated glutathione levels aids the body's natural antioxidant function." - Biochemical Pharmacology 47: 2113-2123 1994.

"Strong muscular activity, such as that experienced by athletes, generates oxyradicals [free radicals] leading to muscle fatigue and poorer performance. Glutathione neutralizes these radicals". - Sport Medicine 21: 213-238, 1996.

Dosage and Form of Use

How to use "WWC pH Control":

Use 6 sprays in back of mouth and inhale deeply with each spray, 4 times a day. Use separately from food and snacks.

SHAKE BEFORE USE! It is recommended to expel air from the lungs. Then, while inhaling, press the dispenser down, focusing on getting the dispenser tube close to the throat. Inhale as much as possible and retain the air for a few seconds. Repeat operation up to 6 sprays.

Terms of Use:

Keep product in a dry, cool and dark place. This product is not a substitute for a balanced diet and healthy living. Keep out of reach of children. Shake before use!

Composition of "WWC pH Control"


Cysteine (abbreviated as Cys or C)[1] is an Alpha-Amino acid with the chemical formula HO2CCH (NH2) CH2SH. It is a non-essential amino acid, which means that humans can synthesize it. Its codons are UGU and UGC. With a thiol side chain, cysteine is classified as a hydrophilic amino acid. Because of the high reactivity of this thiol, cysteine is an important structural and functional component of many proteins and enzymes. Cysteine is named after cystine, its oxidized dimer.

Cysteine is required by our skin. It is essential to detoxify our body. It is found in beta-keratin, the main protein in nails, skin as well as hair. It is not only important in collagen production but it also assists in skin elasticity and texture.

It has also been found that it may help in strengthening the protective lining of the stomach as well as the intestines, which may help prevent damage caused by aspirin and similar drugs.

Cysteine is also required in the manufacture of the amino acid taurine and is a component of the antioxidant Glutathione. It is useful to detoxify the body from harmful toxins and help protect the brain and liver from damage from alcohol, drugs etc.

Cysteine is also critical to the metabolism of a number of essential biochemicals including coenzyme A, heparin, biotin, lipoic acid, and glutathione.


Glycine is one of the non-essential amino acids, naturally produced by the body and is used to help create muscle tissue and convert glucose into energy. It is also essential to maintaining healthy central nervous and digestive systems, and has recently been shown to provide protection via antioxidants from some types of cancer.

Glycine (abbreviated as Gly or G)[2] is the organic compound with the formula NH2CH2COOH. It is the smallest of the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins, coded by codons GGU, GGC, GGA and GGG. Glycine is unique among the proteinogenic amino acids in that it is not chiral. Most proteins contain only small quantities of glycine.

Glycine is used in the body to help construct normal DNA and RNA strands - the genetic material needed for proper cellular function and formation. It helps prevent the breakdown of muscle by boosting the body's levels of creatine, a compound that helps build muscle mass. High concentrations of glycine are found not only in the muscles, but in the skin and other connective tissues as well. Almost 1/3 of collagen, which keeps the skin and connective tissue firm and flexible, is composed of glycine. Without glycine the body would not be able to repair damaged tissues; the skin would become slack as it succumbed to UV rays, oxidation, and free radical damage, and wounds would never heal.

Glycine is essential for a healthy, normally functioning digestive system. It helps regulate the synthesis of the bile acid used to digest fats, and is included in many commercial gastric antacid agents. Glycine is considered a glucogenic amino acid, which means it helps supply the body with glucose needed for energy. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and thus glycine supplementation may be useful for treating symptoms characterized by low energy and fatigue, such as hypoglycemia, anemia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Glycine is necessary for central nervous system function. Research has shown that this amino acid can help inhibit the neurotransmitters that cause seizure activity, hyperactivity, and manic (bipolar) depression. Glycine can also be converted to another neurotransmitter, serine, as needed, and may be beneficial in the management of schizophrenia. In one study, twenty-two schizophrenic patients, who did not initially respond to traditional treatments, added glycine to their ongoing antipsychotic medication and found that it significantly, reduced their symptoms. Glycine intake among the participants ranged from 40 to 90 grams daily (0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight). More research concerning the effects of glycine on schizophrenia is underway. Studies have shown that glycine also helps improve memory retrieval loss in those that suffer from a wide variety of sleep-depriving conditions, including schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, jet lag, and overwork.

Researchers now also believe that glycine may play an important role in helping to maintain the health of the prostate. It was observed in a recent study of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) that taking 780 mg of glycine per day for two weeks and then 390 mg for the next two and a half months, taken in combination with equal amounts of the amino acids, alanine and glutamic acid, reduced symptoms of the BPH.

Results from preliminary studies of glycine as a potential treatment for cancer have been promising, and suggest that it may help prevent the development of cancerous tumors and melanoma. In laboratory mice, dietary glycine prevented tumor growth by inhibiting angiogenisis, the process by which tumors develop their own blood supply. Glycine also seems to play a role in keeping the prostate healthy. In one study, glycine was shown to help reduce the symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia in men.


Zinc has been used since ancient Egyptian times to enhance wound healing, although the usefulness of this approach is only partially confirmed by the clinical data of today.

Zinc is necessary for the functioning of more than 300 different enzymes and plays a vital role in an enormous number of biological processes. Zinc is a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and is in a number of enzymatic reactions involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

Its immune-enhancing activities include regulation of T lymphocytes, CD4, natural killer cells, and interleukin II. In addition, zinc has been claimed to possess antiviral activity. It has been shown to play a role in wound healing, especially following burns or surgical incisions. Zinc is necessary for the maturation of sperm and normal fetal development. It is involved in sensory perception (taste, smell, and vision) and controls the release of stored vitamin A from the liver. Within the endocrine system, zinc has been shown to regulate insulin activity and promote the conversion thyroid hormones thyroxine to triiodothyronine.

Based on available scientific evidence, zinc may be effective in the treatment of (childhood) malnutrition, acne vulgaris, peptic ulcers, leg ulcers, infertility, Wilson's disease, herpes, and taste or smell disorders. Zinc has also gained popularity for its use in the prevention of the common cold.

The role for zinc is controversial in some cases, as the results of published studies provide either contradictory information and/or the methodological quality of the studies does not allow for a confident conclusion regarding the role of zinc in those diseases.

Sea Water

Seawater contains every mineral and trace mineral known in organic form and in the proper ratios needed by human tissues. Dr. René Quinton, French biologist/physiologist, proved that pure seawater is virtually identical to mammalian blood plasma. With the assistance of many eminent physicians, he successfully used seawater as a healing agent on thousands of patients in France and Egypt in the early 1900s. Navy doctors successfully used seawater during the Second World War when blood serum supplies ran out.

There are very few contra-indications and no reported side-effects in over 110 years of use. There have been positive reports indicating use for:

  • Pediatrics
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Neurology
  • Allergies
  • Gastroenterology
  • Dermatology
  • Hormone balance
  • Urology

The marine plasma is also used as a therapeutic agent to wash and cleanse wounds and as a vehicle for antibiotics to speed the healing process.

Green Tea

The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In her book, "Green Tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life", Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years. Here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking green tea is reputed to be helpful:

  • Cancer
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • High Cholesterol Levels
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Infection
  • Impaired Immune Function

Green tea has also been used to prevent tooth decay, increase air flow to the lungs in asthma patients, and increase mental alertness (the last two effects are probably due in some part to the caffeine that is naturally found in all teas). Also, several small studies have shown that green tea extract (GTE) is an appetite suppressant and promotes weight loss in humans. It is now widely available in pharmacies and even some grocery stores in dietary supplements designed to help you lose weight.

Women experiencing hot flashes associated with menopause may find that drinking green tea morning and night may help reduce their frequency. Limited studies report that green tea helps balance estrogen levels, which can help prevent not only hot flashes but discourage certain types of breast cancer as well. Studies have also shown that green tea protects against heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and preventing the blood clots that can lead to atherosclerosis (clogged arteries).

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has been in use for almost 4,000 years and the earliest record of the medicinal uses of Aloe Vera was found in a Sumerian tablet dating 2,100 B.C. Aloe Vera has been widely used by the ancient Indians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans and the Egyptians. Oral intake and topical dressings ha

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